Saturday, August 17, 2019

HRMS Glossary

academic level (university affiliate only). The highest education completed or the current educational status for an incumbent assigned to specific types of university affiliate positions, such as Visiting Researcher or Visiting Student.
account. The 10-digit funding source from which the position is paid.
account title. Name given to the funding source used to subsidize a position.
active department. A department that exists as of the current date.
active percent funded. How the position is paid (monthly, hourly, flat, etc.) relative to the current date.
actual funding. The account or accounts designated on a position for any specified period and distribution percentage. The account(s) cover salary and any applicable fringes for any incumbent assigned to the position during the specified period of each account.
actual pay. An employee's base salary.
additional essential functions. A position's supplemental, recurring duties and responsibilities.
additional pay. Pay in addition to an employee’s base salary that has a fixed period. Types of additional pay are
incentive pay – Supplemental cash reward given to employees who exceed organizational performance or productivity goals.
one-time merit – A one-time payment awarded to an employee for exemplary individual performance.
supplemental – Compensation awarded to regular, full-time employees who work for a department other than the one to which they are assigned or who work outside of their assigned job classification.
additional duty – There are two types of additional-duty pay:
  • permanent – Compensation for additional duties when a position's work scope has changed indefinitely but a change in title isn't required (reclassification). Used when there is a redistribution of work or an organizational change that increases the accountability of a specific position.
  • temporary – Remuneration for additional work responsibilities that have a limited time frame. Often used to compensate for a staffing shortage or for short-term projects.
To process an additional-duty pay increase, complete a Salary Increase Form and send it to Human Resource Services (ATTN: Staffing and Career Management Services). When the form has been approved by HRS, the unit should complete the appointment change document in accordance with the terms in the form. Include origination and end dates if the additional duties are temporary.
add/see more. When this box is checked, HRMS provides duplicate fields for additional data entry.

adjustments to base pay. An increase in the annual or hourly rate for an incumbent. Pay adjustments may include the following, depending on the position type (i.e., A&P, Classified, Faculty, Student, etc.) and the document type (i.e., Modify, SUD). The list below includes only a limited sample of adjustment types:

HRMS Glossary

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