I succeeded by doing this:
apt purge libssl-dev && apt install libssl1.0-dev...
After that the 'rvm install 2.3.5' works fine
Obs.: I tried before doing the same installation in a ubuntu 18.04 and the command 'rvm install 2.3.5' works fine too!
Is not the Tara version the same as ububtu 18.04? I'm afraid there will be other differences......
Hacking refers to the practice of modifying or altering computer software and hardware to accomplish a goal that is considered to be outside of the creator's original objective. Those individuals who engage in computer hacking activities are typically referred to as “hackers.”
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Thursday, January 31, 2019
How To Install Django and Set Up a Development Environment on Ubuntu.
Python Django Development Programming Project Debian Ubuntu 16.04
Jeremy Morris
Django is a free and open-source web framework written in Python that adheres to the model template view (MTV) software architectural pattern. The MTV pattern is Django’s take on the model–view–controller (MVC) pattern. According to the Django Software Foundation, the model is the single definitive source of your data, the view describes the data that gets represented to the user via a Python callback function to a specific URL, and the template is how Django generates HTML dynamically.
Django's core principles are scalability, re-usability and rapid development. It is also known for its framework-level consistency and loose coupling, allowing for individual components to be independent of one another. Don’t repeat yourself (DRY programming) is an integral part of Django principles.
In this tutorial, we will set up a Django development environment. We’ll install Python 3, pip 3, Django and virtualenv in order to provide you with the tools necessary for developing web applications with Django.
A non-root user account with sudo privileges set up on a Debian or Ubuntu Linux server. You can achieve these prerequisites by following and completing the initial server setup for Debian 8, or steps 1-4 in the initial server setup for Ubuntu 16.04 tutorial.
Step 1 — Install Python and pip
To install Python we must first update the local APT repository. In your terminal window, we’ll input the command that follows. Note that the -y flag answers “yes” to prompts during the upgrade process. Remove the flag if you’d like the upgrade to stop for each prompt.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade
When prompted to configure grub-pc, you can press ENTER to accept the default, or configure as desired.
It is recommended by the Django Software Foundation to use Python 3, so once everything is updated, we can install Python 3 by using the following command:
sudo apt-get install python3
To verify the successful installation of Python 3, run a version check with the python3 command:
python3 -V
The resulting output will look similar to this:
python 3.5.2
Now that we have Python 3 installed, we will also need pip in order to install packages from PyPi, Python’s package repository.
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
To verify that pip was successfully installed, run the following command:
pip3 -V
You should see output similar to this:
pip 8.1.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (python 3.5)
Now that we have pip installed, we have the ability to quickly install other necessary packages for a Python environment.
Step 2 — Install virtualenv
virtualenv is a virtual environment where you can install software and Python packages in a contained development space, which isolates the installed software and packages from the rest of your machine’s global environment. This convenient isolation prevents conflicting packages or software from interacting with each other.
To install virtualenv, we will use the pip3 command, as shown below:
pip3 install virtualenv
Once it is installed, run a version check to verify that the installation has completed successfully:
virtualenv --version
We should see the following output, or something similar:
You have successfully installed virtualenv.
At this point, we can isolate our Django web application and its associated software dependencies from other Python packages or projects on our system.
Step 3 — Install Django
There are three ways to install Django. We will be using the pip method of installation for this tutorial, but let’s address all of the available options for your reference.
Option 1: Install Django within a virtualenv.
This is ideal for when you need your version of Django to be isolated from the global environment of your server.
Option 2: Install Django from Source.
If you want the latest software or want something newer than what your Ubuntu APT repository offers, you can install directly from source. Note that opting for this installation method requires constant attention and maintenance if you want your version of the software to be up to date.
Option 3: Install Django Globally with pip.
The option we are going with is pip 3 as we will be installing Django globally.
We’ll be installing Django using pip within a virtual environment. For further guidance and information on the setup and utilization of programming environments, check out this tutorial on setting up a virtual environment.
While in the server’s home directory, we have to create the directory that will contain our Django application. Run the following command to create a directory called django-apps, or another name of your choice. Then navigate to the directory.
mkdir django-apps
cd django-apps
While inside the django-apps directory, create your virtual environment. Let’s call it env.
virtualenv env
Now, activate the virtual environment with the following command:
. env/bin/activate
You’ll know it’s activated once the prefix is changed to (env), which will look similar to the following depending on what directory you are in:
Within the environment, install the Django package using pip. Installing Django allows us to create and run Django applications. To learn more about Django, read our tutorial series on Django Development.
pip install django
Once installed, verify your Django installation by running a version check:
django-admin --version
This, or something similar, will be the resulting output:
With Django installed on your server, we can move on to creating a test project to make sure everything is working correctly.
Step 4 — Creating a Django Test Project
To test the Django installation, we will be creating a skeleton web application.
Setting Firewall Rules
First, if applicable, we’ll need to open the port we’ll be using in our server’s firewall. If you are using UFW (as detailed in the initial server setup guide), you can open the port with the following command:
sudo ufw allow 8000
If you’re using DigitalOcean Firewalls, you can select HTTP from the inbound rules. You can read more about DigitalOcean Firewalls and creating rules for them by reading the inbound rules section of the introductory tutorial.
Starting the Project
We now can generate an application using django-admin, a command line utility for administration tasks in Python. Then we can use the startproject command to create the project directory structure for our test website.
While in the django-apps directory, run the following command:
django-admin startproject testsite
Note: Running the django-admin startproject
Now we can look to see what project files were just created. Navigate to the testsite directory then list the contents of that directory to see what files were created:
cd testsite
Output testsite
You will notice output that shows this directory contains a file named and a folder named testsite. The file is similar to django-admin and puts the project’s package on sys.path. This also sets the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable to point to your project’s file.
You can view the script in your terminal by running the less command like so:
When you’re finished reading the script, press q, to quit viewing the file.
Now navigate to the testsite directory to view the other files that were created:
cd testsite/
Then run the following command to list the contents of the directory:
You will see four files:
Let’s go over what each of these files are: acts as the entry point for your Python project. describes the configuration of your Django installation and lets Django know which settings are available. contains a urlpatterns list, that routes and maps URLs to their views. contains the configuration for the Web Server Gateway Interface. The Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) is the Python platform standard for the deployment of web servers and applications.
Note: Although a default file was generated, you still have the ability to tweak the at any time to fit your deployment needs.
Start and View your Website
Now we can start the server and view the website on a designated host and port by running the runserver command.
We’ll need to add your server ip address to the list of ALLOWED_HOSTS in the file located in ~/test_django_app/testsite/testsite/.
As stated in the Django docs, the ALLOWED_HOSTS variable contains “a list of strings representing the host/domain names that this Django site can serve. This is a security measure to prevent HTTP Host header attacks, which are possible even under many seemingly-safe web server configurations.”
You can use your favorite text editor to add your ip address. For example, if you're using nano, just simply run the following command:
nano ~/django-apps/testsite/testsite/
Once you run the command, you’ll want to navigate to the Allowed Hosts Section of the document and add your server’s IP address inside the square brackets within single or double quotes.
Django settings for testsite project.
Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 2.0.
# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = True
# Edit the line below with your server IP address
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['your-server-ip']
You can save the change and exit nano by holding down the CTRL + x keys and then pressing the y key.
With this completed, be sure to navigate back to the directory where is located:
cd ~/django-apps/testsite/
Now, run the following command replacing the your-server-ip text with the IP of your server:
python runserver your-server-ip:8000
Finally, you can navigate to the below link to see what your skeleton website looks like, again replacing the highlighted text with your server’s actual IP:
Once the page loads, you’ll see the following:
Django Default Page
This confirms that Django was properly installed and our test project is working correctly.
When you are done with testing your app, you can press CTRL + C to stop the runserver command. This will return you to the your programming environment.
When you are ready to leave your Python environment, you can run the deactivate command:
Deactivating your programming environment will put you back to the terminal command prompt.
In this tutorial you have successfully upgraded to the latest version of Python 3 available to you via the Ubuntu APT repository. You've also installed pip 3, virtualenv, and django.
You now have the tools needed to get started building Django web applications.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Top 10 Best Programming languages to Learn in 2018–2019
A lot of would-be IT masters have this nagging question: which are the best programming languages to learn?
Now that’s not an easy question to answer. It’s something most first timers ask. Meanwhile, some others already have an idea what they want to learn. The problem is that sometimes their choices do not meet their expectations. So they think other languages are better.
Meanwhile, to answer our central question, we got ourselves a lot to consider. We will have to take into account various factors. This way, we can really rank the best programming languages around.
The Market
The market can be the single most telling factor to consider when trying to rank languages. This is because the market rarely picks languages that do not deliver. You can always trust the choice of market movers.
In addition, the market tells you which programming language are for the future. You can try and spot the current trends. And if you do that properly, you can follow the rise of a new technology. Being the early bird pays a lot, especially in times when new things are always coming up.
Now, here are the top 10 best programming languages (in no particular order) you should try to learn. Read on. Learn more about each of them and make your pick today.
Talk about popularity, JavaScript never misses a spot in any programming languages list. Even though some programmers have some qualms with the language, nobody can deny its usefulness.
Nowadays, students who plan to be software developers got JavaScript as their go-to language. Let us tell you that if you’re one of those people, you’re going to use this language a lot. And when we say a lot, we mean all the time. Okay, maybe not ALL the freaking time, but 90 percent of the time. No wonder JavaScript feed other languages dust when it comes to races.
The point, though, is that JavaScript is the most widely used programming language. And if you’re trying to look for a job, one good way to land it is to be well-versed in this language. It’s popularity and usefulness work together to make it one of the best programming languages to learn.
As we’ve mentioned above, there are some people who have issues with JavaScript. Some say its language doesn’t really make sense. You can throw that out the window. JavaScript has improved a lot since the first time it appeared.
And for 2018, it’s definitely a top language.
Calm the hell down and don’t smash your computer or phone yet. We know you’re scared of snakes, and we know you’re not really familiar with this language. But you have to believe us when we say that this is one of the best programming language to learn this year.
And for those who are already familiar with it, you might want to calm your nerves too. Python may not be on your top 10 list, but a lot of other people have them. And we believe they have good reasons.
On some surveys, python ranks number 5. On others, it ranks number 2. Now, we usually see it get compared with SQL, which is another top language for many. As for our vision, we think you cannot get a job if you just know SQL and not others. Python could land you a job by itself, though. So that already gives it an advantage over SQL.
In a recent survey, a lot of people use programming languages other than python. But almost all of them also said they’ll migrate to python soon. Now that’s something.
And more than people, you can see teams, groups, corporations, and many others shifting to python. You can even find tons of high-ranking books on Amazon — all about the best things about python. Now, these books didn’t just come out and sat there online. They receive downloads and likes, meaning people are actually reading them.
Most of those books are for beginners; for starters who want to learn something about programming languages. Like they say, the present is the best indicator of the future. We made that one up. What we really want to say is that python’s growing popularity now indicates that it will be a huge name in the future.
If you ask any single programmer, you’d receive C#. What we mean is that you’d see this language used in every single platform. You can even develop Android and iOS apps just by using C#. If that’s not enough, you can also use C# for developing Linux and Mac apps. Overall, you can work on basically any platform using this language.
It goes without saying that C# is a very versatile language. If you’re thinking about its marketability, don’t worry — it’s a very corporate language. You can also learn it quite easily.
The only thing you need to be careful is its increasing complexity. Just like any other language, C# is evolving. They are adding more and more features and functions. Such changes make it more appealing to those who want to use it. But the same changes can also make it quite tough for many new programmers.
Remember this too: if you ever had to choose between C# and Java, we say choose C#. That’s because of a very simple reason. If you know C#, you pretty much know Java too.
That being said, Java is still a part of the 10 best programming languages. It has its own distinct advantages.
In fact, if you choose Java, we’d probably support you.
Java doesn’t necessarily fall lower than C# on this list. In fact, we’re sure that Java has a lot of things to say if ever it argued with another language. The only reason we said choose C# is because of Java’s technicality, which is something beginners aren’t crazy about.
We’d like to point out one thing we have indicated previously: Java and C# are almost identical. You can use Java in any kind of platform. You can use it to develop Android and iOS apps. For Linux and Mac OS too.
The only real difference is the kind of people who are going to try to learn them. For more technical people, Java is the better pick.
Now that’s not an easy question to answer. It’s something most first timers ask. Meanwhile, some others already have an idea what they want to learn. The problem is that sometimes their choices do not meet their expectations. So they think other languages are better.
Meanwhile, to answer our central question, we got ourselves a lot to consider. We will have to take into account various factors. This way, we can really rank the best programming languages around.
The Market
The market can be the single most telling factor to consider when trying to rank languages. This is because the market rarely picks languages that do not deliver. You can always trust the choice of market movers.
In addition, the market tells you which programming language are for the future. You can try and spot the current trends. And if you do that properly, you can follow the rise of a new technology. Being the early bird pays a lot, especially in times when new things are always coming up.
Now, here are the top 10 best programming languages (in no particular order) you should try to learn. Read on. Learn more about each of them and make your pick today.
Talk about popularity, JavaScript never misses a spot in any programming languages list. Even though some programmers have some qualms with the language, nobody can deny its usefulness.
Nowadays, students who plan to be software developers got JavaScript as their go-to language. Let us tell you that if you’re one of those people, you’re going to use this language a lot. And when we say a lot, we mean all the time. Okay, maybe not ALL the freaking time, but 90 percent of the time. No wonder JavaScript feed other languages dust when it comes to races.
The point, though, is that JavaScript is the most widely used programming language. And if you’re trying to look for a job, one good way to land it is to be well-versed in this language. It’s popularity and usefulness work together to make it one of the best programming languages to learn.
As we’ve mentioned above, there are some people who have issues with JavaScript. Some say its language doesn’t really make sense. You can throw that out the window. JavaScript has improved a lot since the first time it appeared.
And for 2018, it’s definitely a top language.
Calm the hell down and don’t smash your computer or phone yet. We know you’re scared of snakes, and we know you’re not really familiar with this language. But you have to believe us when we say that this is one of the best programming language to learn this year.
And for those who are already familiar with it, you might want to calm your nerves too. Python may not be on your top 10 list, but a lot of other people have them. And we believe they have good reasons.
On some surveys, python ranks number 5. On others, it ranks number 2. Now, we usually see it get compared with SQL, which is another top language for many. As for our vision, we think you cannot get a job if you just know SQL and not others. Python could land you a job by itself, though. So that already gives it an advantage over SQL.
In a recent survey, a lot of people use programming languages other than python. But almost all of them also said they’ll migrate to python soon. Now that’s something.
And more than people, you can see teams, groups, corporations, and many others shifting to python. You can even find tons of high-ranking books on Amazon — all about the best things about python. Now, these books didn’t just come out and sat there online. They receive downloads and likes, meaning people are actually reading them.
Most of those books are for beginners; for starters who want to learn something about programming languages. Like they say, the present is the best indicator of the future. We made that one up. What we really want to say is that python’s growing popularity now indicates that it will be a huge name in the future.
If you ask any single programmer, you’d receive C#. What we mean is that you’d see this language used in every single platform. You can even develop Android and iOS apps just by using C#. If that’s not enough, you can also use C# for developing Linux and Mac apps. Overall, you can work on basically any platform using this language.
It goes without saying that C# is a very versatile language. If you’re thinking about its marketability, don’t worry — it’s a very corporate language. You can also learn it quite easily.
The only thing you need to be careful is its increasing complexity. Just like any other language, C# is evolving. They are adding more and more features and functions. Such changes make it more appealing to those who want to use it. But the same changes can also make it quite tough for many new programmers.
Remember this too: if you ever had to choose between C# and Java, we say choose C#. That’s because of a very simple reason. If you know C#, you pretty much know Java too.
That being said, Java is still a part of the 10 best programming languages. It has its own distinct advantages.
In fact, if you choose Java, we’d probably support you.
Java doesn’t necessarily fall lower than C# on this list. In fact, we’re sure that Java has a lot of things to say if ever it argued with another language. The only reason we said choose C# is because of Java’s technicality, which is something beginners aren’t crazy about.
We’d like to point out one thing we have indicated previously: Java and C# are almost identical. You can use Java in any kind of platform. You can use it to develop Android and iOS apps. For Linux and Mac OS too.
The only real difference is the kind of people who are going to try to learn them. For more technical people, Java is the better pick.
Friday, December 29, 2017
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
hacking list
The categories are all self-explanatory and whichever sector (cyber niche) you work in, we’re sure you’ll find something of interest. Our directory should be considered as being a reference in seeking appropriate tools to do certain tasks. If you’d like to add a tool please get in contact with us and we will gladly add it!
Hacking Tools Explained… “A craftsman is only as good as his tools..” is a saying that we believe in. Sure, there’s a ton of discussion amongst ‘hackers’ and ‘cyber security folk’ saying that we all ought to be using ‘command line’ scripts, but we disagree. Computers were invented to make our life easier. Time is efficiency so the faster we accomplish tasks the better. To learn how to use any of the tools listed in our directory; the better. If you can master tools within your niche/ assigned task or responsibility then all the more power to you.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
this template did not produce a java class or an interface android studio
Android Studio File Templates
This section lists the Android Studio file template code written in the VTL scripting language, followed by definitions of the variables. The values that you provide in the Create New Class dialog become the variable values in the template. Note that the lines that begin with
extend all the way to the open brace ( {
).AnnotationType file template
#if (${PACKAGE_NAME} != "")package ${PACKAGE_NAME};#end #if (${IMPORT_BLOCK} != "")${IMPORT_BLOCK} #end #parse("File") #if (${VISIBILITY} == "PUBLIC")public #end @interface ${NAME} #if (${INTERFACES} != "")extends ${INTERFACES} #end { }
Class file template
#if (${PACKAGE_NAME} != "")package ${PACKAGE_NAME};#end #if (${IMPORT_BLOCK} != "")${IMPORT_BLOCK} #end #parse("File") #if (${VISIBILITY} == "PUBLIC")public #end #if (${ABSTRACT} == "TRUE")abstract #end #if (${FINAL} == "TRUE")final #end class ${NAME} #if (${SUPERCLASS} != "")extends ${SUPERCLASS} #end #if (${INTERFACES} != "")implements ${INTERFACES} #end { }
Enum file template
#if (${PACKAGE_NAME} != "")package ${PACKAGE_NAME};#end #if (${IMPORT_BLOCK} != "")${IMPORT_BLOCK} #end #parse("File") #if (${VISIBILITY} == "PUBLIC")public #end enum ${NAME} #if (${INTERFACES} != "")implements ${INTERFACES} #end { }
Interface file template
#if (${PACKAGE_NAME} != "")package ${PACKAGE_NAME};#end #if (${IMPORT_BLOCK} != "")${IMPORT_BLOCK} #end #parse("File") #if (${VISIBILITY} == "PUBLIC")public #end enum ${NAME} #if (${INTERFACES} != "")implements ${INTERFACES} #end { #end { }
Singleton file template
#if (${PACKAGE_NAME} != "")package ${PACKAGE_NAME};#end #if (${IMPORT_BLOCK} != "")${IMPORT_BLOCK} #end #parse("File") #if (${VISIBILITY} == "PUBLIC")public #end class ${NAME} #if (${SUPERCLASS} != "")extends ${SUPERCLASS} #end #if (${INTERFACES} != "")implements ${INTERFACES} #end { private static final ${NAME} ourInstance = new ${NAME}(); #if (${VISIBILITY} == "PUBLIC")public #end static ${NAME} getInstance() { return ourInstance; } private ${NAME}() { } }
File template variables
Android Studio replaces file template variables with values in the generated Java file. You enter the values in the Create New Class dialog. The template has the following variables that you can use:
- A newline-delimited list of Javaimport
statements necessary to support any superclass or interfaces, or an empty string (""
). For example, If you only implement theRunnable
interface and extend nothing, this variable will be"import java.lang.Runnable;\n"
. If you implement theRunnable
interface and extend theActivity
class, it will be"import;\nimportjava.lang.Runnable;\n"
- Whether the class will have public access or not. It can have a value ofPUBLIC
- A single class name, or empty. If present, there will be anextends ${SUPERCLASS}
clause after the new class name.INTERFACES
- A comma-separated list of interfaces, or empty. If present, there will be animplements ${INTERFACES}
clause after the superclass, or after the class name if there’s no superclass. For interfaces and annotation types, the interfaces have theextends
- Whether the class should be abstract or not. It can have a value ofTRUE
- Whether the class should be final or not. It can have a value ofTRUE
Friday, August 25, 2017
this template did not produce a java class or an interface android studio
Then look for
-> File and Code Templates
in the left hand pane.
You have two ways you can change this...
1) Select the
tab and edit the Created by...
text directly.
2) Select the
tab and edit the #parse("File")
line for any template that you desire.
Personally I followed option 1) and made the default header comment a TODO, e.g.
* TODO: Add a class header comment!
These instructions are based on Android Studio v0.3.7. and also tested on v
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Monday, June 5, 2017
Chinese 'Hidden Lynx' hackers behind major cyberattacks on US, claims Symantec
Chinese 'Hidden Lynx' hackers behind major cyberattacks on US, claims Symantec
Symantec believes it has joined the dots that connect a single Chinese hacking group dubbed ‘Hidden Lynx’ to a series of high-profile APT-driven cyberattacks on US interests, including the infamous Aurora hacks of 2009 as well as this year’s compromise of security firm Bit9.
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Symantec believes it has joined the dots that connect a single Chinese hacking group dubbed ‘Hidden Lynx’ to a series of high-profile APT-driven cyberattacks on US interests, including the infamous Aurora hacks of 2009 as well as this year’s compromise of security firm Bit9.
The firm’s white paper on the group describes a large team of between 50 and 100 professionals working on a professional hacker-for-hire basis. This would make the group even more significant than the APT1/Comment Crew hacking group that has become the media face of Chinese state-sponsored hacking.
According to Symantec, since 2009 Hidden Lynx has targeted hundreds of organisations around the world, focussing more than half its effort on the US, with smaller campaigns against targets in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and even mainland China itself.
This is a group that seems to do a bit of everything, picking off organisations in every sector with a particular interest in corporate espionage against finance, government, ICT, education and healthcare.
“This broad range of targeted information would indicate that the attackers are part of a professional organization,” said Symantec in its white paper.
“They are methodical in their approach and they display a skillset far in advance of some other attack groups also operating in that region, such as the Comment Crew.”Relate
A recent incident Symantec connects them to in forensic detail is the February attack on a code-signing certificate server inside the network of whitelisting firm Bit9, conducted using the stealthy Backdoor.Hikit Trojan, one from a clutch of such malware favoured bthe group.
A second prominent campaign was what became known as the VOHO watering hole attacks publicised by RSA in 2012 before mentioning its "affiliation" to the
Thursday, June 1, 2017
bhot he easy mathod hai
Apna bf gf ka inbox dekhna ka.
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enjoy for untrusred peoples
Esi hi or Hacking tricks k liye Page ko Like or Share krte rhein
bhot he easy mathod hai
Apna bf gf ka inbox dekhna ka.
step1, sabse phlay app k pas aisa mobile ho jis pay All data refresh ho koi b facebook ka account login na ho
Step 2 Ab ap mobile k offical browser pay jao aur koi new account login karo
step3, ab ap jiska mesnger hacked kerna chahty hun us ko message karo inbox
step4, jab uska reply ayega wohan likha hoga sent from messnger
step5 sent from mesnger pay clik kar k wo link copy kar do
step6 ab ap Pna fb account logout kar do aur wo link search box main direct search kerna hai
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enjoy for untrusred peoples
click now for more details.
Esi hi or Hacking tricks k liye Page ko Like or Share krte rhein
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Secret Hack Codes for Android Mobile Phones
Hello friends! Today I will share several secret hack codes for Android Mobile Phones. These Android codes will help you hack android mobiles in order to explore your phone’s capabilities.
Secret hack codes are usually hidden from users to prevent misuse and exploit. Android is a very new platform so there aren’t many hack codes for Androids available. Today I will share all of the hack codes of Android cellphones that I know. I have tested these codes on my Samsung Galaxy with the Android OS version 2.2. I am sure these will work on all previous versions.

Secret Hack Codes for Android Mobile Phones:
1. Complete Information About Your Phone
This code can be used to get some interesting information about your phone and battery. It shows the following 4 menus on the screen:
- Phone information
- Battery information (How to maximize or boost battery life in android phones)
- Battery history
- Usage statistics
Learn How to Unlock 3 Hidden Modes in Android Phones:
3 Hidden Modes in Android Mobile phones
3 Hidden Modes in Android Mobile phones
2. Factory data reset
This code can be used for a factory data reset. It’ll remove the following things:
- Google account settings stored in your phone
- System and application data and settings
- Downloaded applications
It will NOT remove:
- Current system software and bundled application
- SD card files e.g. photos, music files, etc.
Note: Once you give this code, you will get a prompt screen asking you to click on the “Reset phone” button, giving you the chance to cancel your operation.
3. Format Android Phone
Think before you input this code. This code is used for factory formatting. It will remove all files and settings, including the internal memory storage. It will also reinstall the phone firmware.
Note: Once you give this code, there is no way to cancel the operation unless you remove the battery from the phone.
4. Phone Camera Update
This code is used to get information about phone camera. It shows following 4 menus:
- Update camera firmware in image (Don’t try this option)
- Update camera firmware in SD card
- Get camera firmware version
- Get firmware update count
WARNING: NEVER use the first option. Your phone camera will stop working and you will need to take your phone to a service center to reinstall camera firmware.
5. End Call/Power
This one is my favorite. This code can be used to change the action of the “End Call/Power” button. Be default, if you hold the button down for a long time, it shows a screen asking you to select between silent mode, airplane mode, and power off.
Using this code, you can enable this button to power off without having to select an option, saving you some time.
6. File Copy for Creating Backup
This code opens a file copy screen where you can backup your media files e.g. images, sound, video and voice memo.
7. Service Mode
This code can be used to enter into service mode. In service mode, you can run various tests and change settings.
8. WLAN, GPS and Bluetooth Secret Hack Codes for Android:
*#*#232339#*#* OR *#*#526#*#* OR *#*#528#*#* – WLAN test (Use “Menu” button to start various tests)
*#*#232338#*#* – Shows WiFi MAC address
*#*#1472365#*#* – GPS test
*#*#1575#*#* – Another GPS test
*#*#232331#*#* – Bluetooth test
*#*#232337#*# – Shows Bluetooth device address
9. Codes to get Firmware version information:
*#*#4986*2650468#*#* – PDA, Phone, H/W, RFCallDate
*#*#1234#*#* – PDA and Phone
*#*#1111#*#* – FTA SW Version
*#*#2222#*#* – FTA HW Version
*#*#44336#*#* – PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, Changelist number
10. Codes to launch various Factory Tests:
*#*#0283#*#* – Packet Loopback
*#*#0*#*#* – LCD test
*#*#0673#*#* OR *#*#0289#*#* – Melody test
*#*#0842#*#* – Device test (Vibration test and BackLight test)
*#*#2663#*#* – Touch screen version
*#*#2664#*#* – Touch screen test
*#*#0588#*#* – Proximity sensor test
*#*#3264#*#* – RAM version
Feel free to explore all android applications, passwords, android screen locks, etc. with our Android forensics tutorial series:
- Android Forensic Tutorial – Part 1 Android Directory Structure
- Android Forensic Tutorial – Part 2 Android File Systems
- Android Forensic Tutorial – Part 3 Android Data Acquisition Methods
- Android Forensic Tutorial – Part 4 Bypass Android Screen Lock Pattern
I hope you all have enjoyed these secret hack codes for android mobile phones. If you have any issues ask me in the comments.
To get our free books on hacking emailed to you, or to learn more information about these concepts on an ongoing basis, simply join our list.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
mSpy - Phone Tracking and Spy
Simple! Professional! Invisible! Undetectable!
With help of mSpy you can monitor targeted smartphones; locate the mobile phone; track it; read SMS; view contact list; call details and even more.
Install 3-Days FREE trial now!
You can easily use this app for your personal needs or/and for your business.
Take full control of what’s going on in your home, keep your children safe online and offline, instantly detect harmful situation and put a stop to it.
Prevent the risks of data leaks or any unwanted behavior at work. This app allows you to monitor your employees, keep track of their productivity in and out of the office.
how to TruthSpy installing apk for android
you must keep in your hand the target device to visit above link in order to download and install the application.
And target device must be set to allow the installation of non-Market apps (Go Settings > Security > check Unknown Sources)
Turn Off “Scan device for Security theats” from Google Settings (only Android 5.0 above)
1. Configuration
Before downloading TheTruthSpy, be sure that target device has internet connection via Wifi or 3G or GPRS.And target device must be set to allow the installation of non-Market apps (Go Settings > Security > check Unknown Sources)
Turn Off “Scan device for Security theats” from Google Settings (only Android 5.0 above)
3. Download TheTruthSpy to target device directly
Browse to from your device’s browser and download TheTruthSpy to your device.
When the download is complete please open your notification window and install it from there.
4. Register your account
You can register new account here by clicking Register button, or if you registered an account at user control panel site already ( then you can click Login button to join this device to your account.
You can register new account here by clicking Register button, or if you registered an account at user control panel site already ( then you can click Login button to join this device to your account.
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Android Trojan SpyNote leaks on underground forums
Its free availability makes it likely that it will be used in attacks soon, researchers say
A new and potent Android Trojan has been leaked on several underground forums, making it available for free to less resourceful cybercriminals who are now likely to use it in attacks.
The Trojan app is called SpyNote and allows hackers to steal users' messages and contacts, listen in on their calls, record audio using the device's built-in microphone, control the device camera, make rogue calls and more.
SpyNote does not require root access to a device, but does prompt users for a long list of permissions on installation. The Trojan can also update itself and install other rogue applications on the device.
Newer versions of Android have antimalware features like Verify Apps and SafetyNet that can detect and block known malware applications when their installation is attempted and even if "unknown sources" is allowed on the device.
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